We are doing the Minecraft monthly challenge and my objective is to make a desert island. On my desert iland, there is a bar and a forest next to it (work in progress. I have a little shack with a garden and on the right side of the shack, there is a waterfall with a sulfur hot pool. I made the sulfur hot pool with soal sand and water. On the left of the shack is a wharf and it looks good at night. It has a ton of lights on it and i like it.
Welcome to my blog, I'm a student at Kaniere School on the West Coast in New Zealand.
Friday, 10 December 2021
Tuesday, 16 November 2021
Old Man Jetkins Time A.K.A High School!!!!
You may already know that I am year 6 so that means I will be going to High School (intermediate).
I am pretty excited because I know quite a lot of people at the High School. When I went for my visit to the High school I learned that English is reading because I thought English was learning languages.
Friday, 27 August 2021
Ultra Cool Lockdown Rappppppp
Last week we went into lockdown and our teacher thought. Why don't I NOT educate Kereru and tell them to do a rap about Lockdown? He thought......
So here we are.
Honestly, though I loved making this rap and the real reason we did this was to think of things that we liked and make them rhyme. I hope you all really enjoy my rap. Have you ever created your own rap? Maybe you've made a lockdown rap even.
Thursday, 12 August 2021
We've got Minecraft !!
This week we have been learning about area. My Teacher told us to do a task and the task was to make a building with a 200 block perimeter and a building with a 2500mt2 area in Minecraft.
It took an hour and a half to do...
SINCE I AM SO LAZY I called it Trump's wall then built mini houses inside the 200 block perimeter wall. I loved this activity because we were on Minecraft. We’re doing Minecraft because then we can learn area and perimeter in a fun way instead of using a boring old maths book.

Have you ever played Minecraft education edition?
Friday, 30 July 2021
The Kaniere school science extravaganza
The Kaniere School science extravaganza is something that we are going to do on our Chromebooks. It is like a digital science fair. The reason we are doing this is since our school has never done one of these before. Sadly I haven't come up with any scientific ideas yet. The spark in my head just won't light. have you ever done a science fair?
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
3 2 1 BLAST OFF!
This week we have been studying the Wonder Project. This project is where we get to Launch bottle Rockets. We have launched about 8 rockets now. We have been learning about aerodynamics. This means how well the bottle flies through the air. They fly pretty well. We are all very excited to see if we win!!
Friday, 25 June 2021
Emilly Car Masterpeices
This Term we have been learning about Emilly Carr. She was born on 13 December 1871 and died on 2 March 1945. She loved to paint trees and she used a really cool technique as well. We tried painting like Emilly and this is how mine tuned out.
I am very proud of my work. Have you painted like Emilly before??Tuesday, 11 May 2021
The Math Journey of challenges.
This week all of the math groups are having a competition. Whoever does the most math problems gets one day off maths!! Now….. I think our maths group will win but I can’t guarantee it. So I think this a good challenge.
Have you ever done a challenge like this? If you have leave a comment and say if you have.
Thursday, 1 April 2021
Clued up Kaniere Kiwis!!
Quite a while ago on Friday, we went to the Boys Brigade hall which is a big indoor court to 'Clued-up Kids.' which is a program set up to teach kids about various organizations.
The fire brigade was there, St John, Land SAR ( Search and Rescue), safety in the home, Kiwi Rail. Alpine Fault awareness, animal safety, and 4-wheeler motorbike safety
Here are some photos.
This is me pretending that I have a knife stuck in my arm and my friend is
Thank you for reading about the clued-up Kaniere Kiwis!!
Kaniere’s early days
Thursday, 25 February 2021
My book on google slides is almost finished!!
Today I wanted to show you my progress on my E-book. It has been going so well.
Two posts ago I showed you the start of my E-book.
This is what I have been doing since the last E-book post.
How do you rate my E-book?
Could you make one yourself?
Thursday, 18 February 2021
My typewriter!
This is my typewriter. It is my Great Grandfathers Typewriter.
He gave it to me. It is quite old. My Grandfathers nickname is
Chop Chop. I call him Chop Chop. I write a lot on it.
Chop chop used to write newspaper articles and wood chopping posters on his Typewriter. Chop Chop got his nickname because he was a famous Woodchopper. Shout out to Chop Chop!! Have you ever seen a typewriter in person?
Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Making a book on Google slides.
This week for writing we are making an ebook. We are learning about "Show don't tell." Show don't tell is about describing things so well that it paints a picture in the reader's head. Examples are, Don't just say Patricia was angry, instead say, "There was steam hissing out of her nose, horns started to immerge out of her head and she was wailing around like a little girl."
This week I also learned how to use google slides to make an eBook.
We did this by turning the slide into portrait mode.
Our eBooks will be a story that we have created ourselves.
My story is called Kaboom and it is a plane story.
These are my first two slides of my story.
This is my story so far.....
I hope you will enjoy it when you see it.