Monday, 20 April 2020

Anzac day

During lock down we made Poppy's for Anzac day. We are going to make some Anzac cookies too.  YUM YUM!


  1. Rhys, I love the way you and Luke have made your poppies from plates. What a creative Idea.Can you tell me why we recognise Anzac Day? And yum anzac cookies are delicious. Make sure you share some pictures with us when you make them.


    1. Hi Naomi, we have Anzac day to remember the people who went to war.We have Anzac cookies because it takes ages for people to get to the war so they sent Anzac cookies because they last for ages and still taste good when they are old.

  2. Hi Rhys love you poppy's they look great hope you have very best ANZAC day great job on your poppy's.

    1. Thanks Haki. I hope you have a good Anzac Day too. I hope I can see you soon.

  3. Hi Rhys
    Wow, I love your poppies. You have used simple things, but they look very effective! Did you and Lukey make a poppy each?

    1. Hi Jackie, its Rhys here. We used 3 red plastic plates for the petals and a black icecream container lid for the middle of the flower and a hot glue gun then we found some ferns and a flax sticks. Dad put them on the gate for us.

  4. Hi Rhys, they turned out reall great and they look good on the gate as well...I love how Goose thinks the are awesome as well. Are you going to make some Anzac cookies?


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